windows Xp

Windows XP is Launch in 2001 by Microsoft’s family. the previous version of Windows being Windows Me. The “XP” in Windows XP stands for eXPerience.
XP was built on the Windows 2000 kernel, giving users a more stable and reliable environment than previous versions of Windows. The initial Windows XP release was followed by the release of Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2002), Windows XP Media Centre Edition and Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2003). Windows XP was made available in in two versions, Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional. The operating system utilises the 802.11x wireless security standard. On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will cease official XP support. After this date users of the XP operating system will no longer receive security patches or system updates to protect against viruses and malware. Because the operating system has been so popular and is still in use 11 years after release, the biggest problem facing users is choosing to continue to run an outdated operating system or upgrade to a new OS. As of 2013 it is believed that more than 400 million computers still run the Windows XP operating system, representing a 37 percent market share, according to Small Business Computing. “Windows XP may seem like a relic of the past. For businesses, however, XP has proven to be a sturdy, stable and largely reliable OS — provided that you kept it updated and secure, of course. These traits help explain the 11 year-old operating system’s enduring popularity.” Google announced that the Chrome browser will support Windows XP users until at least 2015. as official support for the operating system ends.


Download window Xp Directly (iso/disc image)

XP Professional SP2 vl  41611       x32bit   its  key     x64bit  its  key

XP Professional SP3 vl  60489       x32bit / x32bit    key 1 &  2



Windows Whistler 

Windows Whistler was the pre-release codename for Windows XP, or NT 5.1. It is the successor to Windows 2000. XP was the first that did not compete against a DOS based version of Windows, effectively finally unifying the Windows line in to a single pure 32-bit product.


Windows Whistler 5.1.2257.1 Home Beta Early
Windows Whistler 5.1.2267.1 Professional Beta Early
Windows Whistler 5.1.2428.1 Professional B1
Windows Whistler 5.1.2499.0 Professional B2
Windows Whistler 5.1.2531.0 Professional RC1
Windows Whistler 5.1.2542.0 Professional RC2