Ransomware attack Prevention !

Ransomware is a special malware that blocks access to your data or device, trying to make you pay a ransom to get your data back. Annual ransomware damage reaches as high as $11 billion, and it continues to grow.
If you would like to get a more detailed insight, read our article about the ransomware threat.

How Ransomware Works ?

Ransomware usually spreads through phishing emails. Another way is when an employee clicks the wrong link somewhere over the internet, allowing malicious code to enter the corporate network. These are two common ways, but it is worth mentioning that the infection methods are becoming more sophisticated every day.
Once a computer is infected, the ransomware locks its files with a strong encryption algorithm, based on cryptographical science, so the files can’t be decrypted without a special digital key.
Ransomware encryption may affect your operating system completely, or just the most meaningful files. But anyway, the working station becomes non-operational until the ransom is paid, or a huge data recovery work is done by cybersecurity experts.
However, paying the ransom will not guarantee peace of mind: more money could be demanded immediately after the first payment or later. In some cases, criminals do not keep their word, and the files may become encrypted forever.


Wanna cry deception is most demanding and most effecting. 1000+ computer around the globe infected.
Ransomware statistics in 2020: From random barrages to targeted hits
LockBit 2.0 Ransomware Proliferates Globally.
Ransomware Attack Vectors Shift as New Software Vulnerability Exploits Abound 
How to Avoid Ransomware Infection :
With average ransomware demand of $36,295 and data loss in 39% cases after paying the ransom, you probably understand that paying hackers is not an option. Decrypting ransomware may take days.
It’s not a surprise, that it’s always better to avoid ransomware infection than to face its consequences. And you don’t have to be a cryptography expert to protect yourself from ransomware.
Just take a look at the best ransomware protection practices (we’ll explain them later in the article):
  • Arrange Cybersecurity Training for Your students/Employees. 
  • Set Up Strong Password Policy.
  • Develop and Implement a Backup Strategy.
  • Set Up Antimalware Software.
  • Monitor and Control Applications.
  • Structure Your Network.  ransmwre

Ransomware Protection Tools & guide

according to Adobe Stock, the average cost to decrypt a ranomwared’ (is that a word?) drive is $500?  Do you have an extra 500 bucks laying around? I know I don’t.


Ransomware Response Kit from netsecCryptoWall 3.0 made over $325 million from US victims in 2015?
You’ve heard of Software-as-a-Service right? Did you know the bad guys have Ransomeware-as-a-Service?  Crooks host the ransomware on an underground site and give a cut of the profits to the host.
Alright, enough trivia – here’s the last part of your resource list that I wanted to give you
Emsisoft’s giant list of decryptors: https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/
“RanSim” – Ransomware Simulator by KnowBe4
TrendMicro AntiRansomware Tool 3.0 https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/1098354.aspx
CryptoPrevent (paid) https://www.foolishit.com/cryptoprevent-malware-prevention/
HitManPro http://www.surfright.nl/en/downloads#x64 and don’t forget the videos that show you how to use it: https://youtu.be/aBS902Qr0oc and https://youtu.be/lUNHidkYsDQ
CryptXXX and RannohDecryptor https://blog.kaspersky.com/cryptxxx-ransomware/11939/
CoinVault https://noransom.kaspersky.com/
Jigsaw http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/jigsaw-ransomware-decrypted-will-delete-your-files-until-you-pay-the-ransom/
Too many to list http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/utility
Ransomware Response Kit: A 500 page free resource guide on how to deal with Ransomware.

🔓ID Ransomware

MIT PGP Public Key Server


🔗 WannaCry an example of pseudo-ransomware, says McAfee
🔗 defray ransomware hits healthcare and education
Ransomware Response Kit from netsec
🔗A quick guide to crypto-ransomware – what it is
🔗 Ransomware attacks on House of Representatives gets Yahoo Mail blocked
Ransomware: A cheat sheet for professionals


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